Financial abuse and humbug

Financial abuse and humbug

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Financial abuse is when someone uses money to gain power or control over you.

Examples of financial abuse:

  • Controls all the money
  • Takes your pay
  • Takes your cards
  • Takes your Centrelink benefits
  • Always asks you for money
  • Makes you feel guilty if you don’t give them money
  • Forces you to take on debt (e.g. a credit card or phone plan)
  • Stops you from getting a job or going to work
  • Makes you pay for the groceries and bills
  • Gets fines and tells you to pay for them

What is Humbug?

"Humbugging" is an Aboriginal term used to describe when someone demands or asks for money or resources that belong to someone else.

‘Resource-sharing’ is a cultural practice common in lots of cultures and in many First Nations cultures around the world. 'Resource sharing' is not harmful.

"Humbugging” usually has a negative connotation.

"Humbugging" that is repeated with a threat or actual forms of violence is abusive and not okay.

Get Help

It can be helpful to talk openly about money and share your ideas.

Money can be a tricky topic and it needs to be talked about safely.

For more help with money, check out the website Money Smart or 1800RESPECT's Financial Abuse Toolkit.

To find help locally, click the button below.

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